Twelve roads towards an inclusive school

A report from the Council of Europe analyses the causes of segregation in schools. To prevent segregation schools can promote parental participation, assess individual student needs and allocate the best teachers for the most challenging schools.

”Fighting school segregation in Europe through inclusive education”, authored by the Council of Europe Commisioner for Human Rights analyses the major causes of school segregation through the eyes of refugee children and children with a migrant background across Europe.

Besides identifying the causes of segregation and key principles of an inclusive education policy, the report lifts 12 recommendations towards an inclusive education. On a systemic level, schools needs to adopt a desegregation strategy, raise awareness, ensure legal prohibitions of discrimination, prohibit testing as a selection tool and so on. They also need to assess individual student needs, promote parental participation and to allocate the best teachers for the most challenging schools along with other measures. The report offers great insights on how to create and maintain an inclusive education in the EU.

Download the report in full here.