Emma Wiklund: “There were tears of joy and laughter”

New blog! Emma Wiklund has gone from drop-out to inspirator. With the help of SEd, the desire for school work returned. With her blog, she wants to share her experiences.

Emma Wiklund has already become a familiar face for many who work with SEd.

– I usually lecture about my high school years, about everything that happened both privately and at school. Now I want to reach out to more, she says.

During her lectures, Emma Wiklund talks about her experiences with SEd at Hedbergska High School in Sundsvall. She also talks about strategies that can be used to prevent stress and panic.

On her new blog (in Swedish) Emma writes about her experiences of mental ill health, the support she has received and about her everyday life.

Foto: Malin Bostedt

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