Come in, Germany

During the last eight years, GSM Training & Integration GmbH have supported a large group of young people through the project Come in. It has become obvious that the number of participants with psychosocial problems and mental health issues have increased.

We can contribute to SECiSo with our long experience of working with the target group and hope to find some new understanding and possibilities to support the participants that are affected, in new and better ways.

Come in is a European best practice project of the company GSM Training & Integration GmbH. Come in is located at four places in Hamburg and increases the vocational integration of affected young unemployed adults between 18 and 25 years (NEETs). The target group miss or have bad grades. It has not been able to reach this group of young adults with politically assisted measures for the labor market.

The participants get access to ComeIn through one of the project partners, “Youth Employment Agency” of Hamburg, run as a one-stop-shop. The participants decide themselves if they want to join the project, which means a commitment for six months. Those who choose not to join the project, are constantly encouraged through house visits, calls, letters and social media.

To increase their chances of being integrated into the labor market, the project helps the participants to develop new professional perspectives and places the young people in jobs or vocational training by reducing constraints and doing competence evaluation. Training and individual coaching strengthens and stabilizes their self-confidence, character, health and enables them to a self-dependent lifestyle. In addition ,,come in”  offers individual company and support, e.g. when looking for a new apartment, support through psychological counselling and control of debts as well as individual post-care.

The first part of the project was from 1 of March 2009 – 31 of December 2013. This second part of the project runs until 31. December 2020.

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